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      8 Scientific and Technological Achievements Pass Appraisal! SIFANG Continuously Leading Technological Innovation

      Release Time: 2024-01-28
      Home > News > 8 Scientific and Technological Achievements Pass Appraisal! SIFANG Continuously Leading Technological Innovation

      On January 27, 2024, the 2024 Scientific and Technological Achievements Appraisal Meeting for Sifang Automation, organized by the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, was successfully held in Beijing.

      Eight scientific and technological achievements were appraised at this meeting, covering various fields such as energy storage, hydrogen production, protection, control, automation, and power distribution and utilization. Authoritative experts from the appraisal committee listened to project reports and reviewed relevant technical materials in groups. After inquiry, Q&A sessions, and discussion, all eight scientific and technological achievements successfully passed the appraisal, demonstrating an overall international leading level with good social and economic benefits, as well as promising prospects for promotion and application.

      The "Research and Application of Large-Capacity High-Voltage Cascade Energy Storage Technology" has improved the support level of energy storage systems for grid operation stability, enhanced the adaptability and harmonic suppression capability of energy storage converters for AC protection, and enabled efficient and safe integrated integration of high-voltage cascade energy storage systems.

      The "Development and Application of Fully Controlled DC Input Hydrogen Production Power Technology and Equipment" has solved the problem of full voltage range operation for renewable energy-based hydrogen production, improved the compactness and operational efficiency of the power system, and can strongly support the organic integration and interconnection of hydrogen energy and the grid.

      The project achievements of "Research and Application of Key Technologies for High-Safety Lithium Battery Energy Storage System Integration" have enhanced the health status discrimination ability, system safety, and capacity utilization of energy storage power stations.

      "Research and Application of Self-Healing Technology for Distribution Network Differential Protection Based on Communication Adaptation" has solved the adaptability challenges of active distribution network relay protection, improving fault isolation speed and self-healing capabilities.

      The "Distributed Synchronous Condenser Integrated Control and Protection System" has achieved adaptive excitation control and efficient collaboration between control and protection for synchronous condensers, enhancing the short-circuit ratio and power delivery capability of renewable energy plants, and ensuring reliable and stable operation of distributed synchronous condensers.

      The project achievements of "Research and Application of Key Technologies for Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Substation Operation and Maintenance Monitoring" have promoted the automation and intelligent development of substation monitoring and inspection operations, improving work efficiency and ensuring system safety.

      The series of achievements in "Research and Application of Edge Gateway Technology for Multi-Service Integration Scenarios" meet the flexible and efficient grid connection requirements of various distributed energy sources, ensuring security and trustworthiness, as well as cloud-edge collaboration.

      The "Research and Application of Multi-Terminal Line Relay Protection Device Technology" has developed a fully controllable device that meets the urgent needs of relay protection for multi-terminal line construction in new power systems.
