The system draws on the relevant technical achievements of CSGC-3000E/ADMS/MGMS, performs unified modeling of various energies (e.g., cold, heat, water, electricity, gas, etc.) and related networks, and combines the “Cloud computing, Big data, Internet of Things, Mobile Internet” technology, so as to realize all-round monitoring, analysis and auxiliary services for production, transmission, loss and use of various energies. The system adopts the energy efficiency control and demand-side management technology to realize multi-energy coordinated control and optimal operation from multiple temporal-spatial scales. Moreover, the system can provide platform support for energy trading, and can provide system support with integration of comprehensive energy control, operation & maintenance and transaction services for the large energy consumption units such as industrial parks, schools, hospitals, etc., so as to optimize the energy consumption structure of the units, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency in energy consumption.
The system is applicable to the large energy consumption units such as industrial parks, schools, hospitals, etc.